Monday, June 7, 2010

June 4, 5 and 6 Lifetweaks

June 4 lifetweak was to stay off the computer and watch whatever my wife wanted to watch (which turned out to be the movie "The invention of lying" which had it's moments but basically so-so.

June 5 lifetweak was a repeat of an earlier one - fix something that is broken. The item in general was our office printer which now works like a charm (I think).

June 6 lifetweak was an easy one - take the kids to a movie and basically don't get stressed out about getting there on time and not worrying about the noise from other people. We went to see Marmaduke and it was basically what I had expected but it could have been funnier. The kids gave it a medium thumb (at least not thumbs down) and the day was pretty fun and stress less.

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