Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2010 is Lifetweaks month

So happy June – I have decided for no other reason than I want to, that June is the month to tweak daily life. What do I mean by that? Basically I am going to spend June, changing small things each day to try and get some better balance to life and institute some positive change. As Ghandi said "become the change you seek".

So in that vein, I am going to note the various little hacks I am making to my daily routine and conduct to either improve me as a person or improve my relations.

01 June Lifetweak – fix something. I took this one on and decided to diagnose and fix the Wi FI issues I was having with my IPAD. I wrote about it previously here. So did some research and learned how to change my router settings (learned the difference between WEP and WPA) and set up a different encryption and behold the IPAD seems to keep the Wi Fi signal better and doesn't appear to drop it randomly. Score!!

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