Sunday, June 27, 2010

Seven Myths About Grilling a Steak [Grilling]

Great post from LifeHacker - things I didn't know about cooking a steak.

Seven Myths About Grilling a Steak [Grilling]: "
Cooking instructor and author of Planet Barbecue Steven Raichlen knows a thing or two about grilling a steak, and today he's debunking a few grilling myths that'll help make your weekend barbecue that much better. More »

Barbecue - Cooking - Home - Outdoors - Barbecue grill


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Illegal immigrants able to register cars in Massachusetts

What? Story from MyFoxBoston - Illegal immigrants able to register cars in Massachusetts

What is the problem with this law exactly? I also like the video where a sign is held up that says "STOP ANTI-IMMIGRANT AMENDMENTS". There are no anti immigrant amendments. But there are anti-illegal immigration laws that states (like Arizona) are trying to enforce.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Principal bans four-letter word — ‘meep!’ - Weird news-

From MSNBC - we have another assault on Freedom of Speech. In this case - a principal of a school in Danvers, Ma has banned the word "meep" at school, threatening kids with suspension if this offensive term is uttered.

Here's to you Danvers!!

Principal bans four-letter word — ‘meep!’ - Weird news-

Whale poop fights climate change: study - Yahoo! News

2nd (and final) in a series of things I didn't know - this time about Whale Poop - tks to Yahoo News for the story.

Obese Women More Likely To Have Unsafe Sex

Chalk this up to things I didn't know - tks to FoxNews Boston - Obese Women More Likely To Have Unsafe Sex

Monday, June 7, 2010

Upcoming lifetweaks

So I got a comment that someone wanted to know what the upcoming lifetweaks were so here is what I have so far.

June 7 - I am not going to yell in anger at all. Stress free baby.
June 8 - I am going profanity free all day. Not even an a$$ will be spoken.
June 9 - I am going for a run and not think about work or anything else for that matter.

Stay tuned for June 10 and beyond.

June 4, 5 and 6 Lifetweaks

June 4 lifetweak was to stay off the computer and watch whatever my wife wanted to watch (which turned out to be the movie "The invention of lying" which had it's moments but basically so-so.

June 5 lifetweak was a repeat of an earlier one - fix something that is broken. The item in general was our office printer which now works like a charm (I think).

June 6 lifetweak was an easy one - take the kids to a movie and basically don't get stressed out about getting there on time and not worrying about the noise from other people. We went to see Marmaduke and it was basically what I had expected but it could have been funnier. The kids gave it a medium thumb (at least not thumbs down) and the day was pretty fun and stress less.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3 Lifetweak

So keeping with the month of life tweaking I decided that today was going to be alcohol day. It was pretty easy since i am not a big drinker and will not be as tough as no caffeine day to be sure.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2 - Lifetweak

I follow a Getting Things Done Methodology (Google GTD or visit and for today's lifetweak, I am delving into the "to read" folder and cleaning up some of the stuff that I haven't gotten to in awhile (there was an article in there from 2008 for example). Spent 30 minutes reviewing the folder and catching up on some of the older items. Lifetweaked!!!

June 2010 is Lifetweaks month

So happy June – I have decided for no other reason than I want to, that June is the month to tweak daily life. What do I mean by that? Basically I am going to spend June, changing small things each day to try and get some better balance to life and institute some positive change. As Ghandi said "become the change you seek".

So in that vein, I am going to note the various little hacks I am making to my daily routine and conduct to either improve me as a person or improve my relations.

01 June Lifetweak – fix something. I took this one on and decided to diagnose and fix the Wi FI issues I was having with my IPAD. I wrote about it previously here. So did some research and learned how to change my router settings (learned the difference between WEP and WPA) and set up a different encryption and behold the IPAD seems to keep the Wi Fi signal better and doesn't appear to drop it randomly. Score!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lifehacker Pack 2010: Our List of Essential Windows Downloads

I love the site Lifehacker and was reading it and saw that they have put out their list of essential windows downloads (link is below). I agree with some of the list (still debating Chrome vs Firefox - I use both) and am still on XP and this list is focused on Win 7. I did try and use thunderbird but had an issue setting it up (possibly VPN issue?) but anyway, it is a good list to review and potentially use.

Check the list out -Lifehacker Pack 2010: Our List of Essential Windows Downloads