Thursday, September 24, 2009

Flashforward on ABC

Just got done watching Flashforward on ABC. As a huge Lost fan I was pretty excited with this shows premise and was looking forward to the premiere. By in large I was really happy with what I saw and am happy that TV is at least entertaining and trying to tell a good story. I thought everyone sort of jumped to the conclusion that they had all time traveled a bit easy but hey - I don't want to be a nit.

Looking forward to seeing where the series goes (seeing as how the show has set itself up for a flashforward so early (6 months)). The characters were mildly intriguing and I hope that they continue the development.

Certainly better than the Heroes premiere. What has happened to that show? The first season was exhilarating and it has slowly but surely gone downhill. It is ok to have good and evil and have them in constant combat. That is the state of life.

I have high hopes for Flashforward and wonder if it can keep my interest until Lost returns next year.

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