Sunday, May 30, 2010

The end of tv

So I am trying out the blogger app on my iPad and thought I would write about the end of tv as I know it. Yes I am talking about the series finales of Lost and 24 respectively. Both ended this week and honestly I will miss both but for very different reasons. 24 made me feel sorry for the hero (Jack Bauer) since almost nothing went right for him but also glad that there were people like him willing to do violent acts to protect America. I also admired his unfailing moral compass which apparently almost every other person lacked (including the most recent Madam President) and quite frankly he was a bad a$$.

I already wrote about Lost earlier and had some time to think about it some more and digest what the series meant and what it was shooting for. I guess it comes down to what was really "Lost" - was it the people on an island or was it about the people and their lives (or souls)? In the end was the series about them all earning redemption and moving on en masse to a better place? A lot of unanswered questions abound but I never thought we would get them all addressed. In the end though we cared about the losties and the journey that they were on and how it eventually ended.

To be honest I will miss these shows as they were in so many ways must see TV and stimulated so much conversation and fellowship that their absence will be felt by all who waited patiently for the familiar 24 and Lost opening themes. Interesting that they both had heroes names Jack. I had tried Heroes and Flash Forward but both failed to capture me like the folks at CTU and the survivors of flight 815. There is definitely a hole right now in my week that I can fill with something else, but I doubt it will be as interesting or as captivating.

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