Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blacks and Whites Continue to Differ Sharply on Obama

Over at the Gallup website (Drudge has it also on his Twitter feed) there is a new study that shows a split decision on Obama's approval rating split along racial lines.

The story states "President Obama's job approval rating averaged 88% among blacks and 38% among whites in July, a 50-percentage-point difference that has been consistent in recent months but is much larger than in the initial months of the Obama presidency. Obama's job approval ratings among blacks, whites, and Hispanics in July are all at their lowest levels to date, although the overwhelming majority of blacks still approve."

So with all the race talk in the air, let's throw this out there. How many people believe that the 38% approval rating for the President among whites is due to racism? I wonder what the NAACP would say? Well if you answer is yes - it is probably due to racism I would ask then what do you think about the approval rating of 88% among blacks? Why does Obama enjoy such a high approval rating from this segment of the population? Dare I say due to race? Wouldn't that be racist?

We are constantly told that the Tea Party movement is racist because it is against Obama and those that oppose healthcare are racists. Shirley Sherrod stated "You know, I haven't seen such a mean-spirited people as I've seen lately over this issue of health care. Some of the racism we thought was buried. Didn't it surface?" So how about all the people that support health care - are they racists as well? Certainly all the folks that were against Hillarycare during the Clinton years were not racist?

Bottom line - If the thesis is that Obama is protested partly because of his race, Obama is supported by some people solely because of his race. Yeah - they are racists.

Not at Ground Zero

For the record - I agree with this editorial. The decision to allow a mosque at the site of Ground Zero is disgusting. Let us see if the Muslim community rises up and supports the efforts to stop this.

Not at Ground Zero - The Editors - National Review Online

Monday, August 2, 2010

Police: 2 men tried to sell wood blocks as laptops - Yahoo! News

This is an awesome story - can I be one of the first to say "only in Mississippi"? The story should have also mentioned that these fancy laptops could be used for kindling when the Bush tax cuts expire and everyone's tax burden goes up...

Just a thought. Link to story from Yahoo News below.

Police: 2 men tried to sell wood blocks as laptops - Yahoo! News

Saturday, July 31, 2010

From Brietbart - America Loves Stallone and Stallone Loves America

Over at the Big Hollywood site run by Brietbart they have a snippet of an interview that Stallone is giving at Aint It Cool News - a fanboy site for all things cinema.

It is great to here Sly's take on the action heroes of today (did anyone see Adrian Brody in Predators - come on!!) and what the 80's and early 90's action heroes epitomized about America.

Stallone's money quote is "...I believe that everything is a cycle. And once again America will have its cinematic heroes reflect the incredible honor it is to be defending the most extraordinary country the planet has ever known. Just give it time, everything is a cycle."

I hope Sly is right he we will move away from Adrian Brody and others who demonstrate more of a "feminized" version of the arch typical hero and get back to the awesomeness of Stallone, Willis, Arnold and others who did it right.

I for one am looking forward to the Expendables.

Tks to Big Hollywood for noting this great part of Stallone's interview.

Should you freeze coffee

I love coffee and am a fan of having the freshest coffee I can get. I have invested over the course of some years in a number of one cup brewers (current fav is the Keurig) and even have a french press. One misconception I have been under is that it is good to freeze coffee. Not so fast!!

This site makes a convincing case that it is not a good thing to put the coffee in the freezer. Quoting
Some people store their coffee in the freezer thinking it is going to keep the coffee fresh. Here are a couple of reasons why storing coffee in your freezer is a bad idea:
Coffee is porous. This is a good thing for fans of flavored coffee as the beans absorb the coffee flavoring syrups and oils that are used to make flavored coffee. However, if given the chance, coffee can also absorb other things like the flavor of seafood or the moisture that your freezer produces. This moisture will in turn deteriorate the coffee and even make it taste like, well... like a freezer.
When coffee is roasted, the beans release their oils and essences to give the coffee its distinct flavor. You'll notice these oils are more prominent on dark-roasted coffee and espresso. When you break down these oils by freezing, you are removing the flavor.
Think about it...if coffee tasted better and fresher from the freezer, then you would buy it in the frozen food section, your local coffee shop might look more like an ice cream parlor, and our power bills would be through the roof trying to maintain a meat-locker the size of a warehouse.

So there you go. Coffee should not be stored in the freezer. A one time use of the freezer to store unground coffee beans is "ok" but for regular use, definitely not a good practice.

Hey I didn't know that.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Update - NAACP Racism

I had blogged recently about the condemnation of the Tea Party movement by the NAACP and I said (in part) that "Hopefully the NAACP is working within its own ranks to repudiate those racist elements in its own organization while it calls on other groups to do the same."

Well - here we go. FoxNews and others have a video of an earlier NAACP Freedom Fund banquet (March 2010) where an official in the Agriculture Department entertained the banquet attendees "...with a story about how she withheld help to a white farmer facing bankruptcy".

How rich!! How diverse!! How truly sanctimonious can you get? By the way if you watch the video (up at Big Government) you hear the audience laugh when she describes her racist behavior and attitude. Are you kidding me? - Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer

Great quote from Alexis de Tocqueville

Great quote from Alexis de Tocqueville who once observed, "Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude."

I love that...